Qualification: MBBS(AIIMS,N.Delhi) MS(AIIMS,N.Delhi)MSAGES(USA) LSA(Hongkong)
Sr Consultant: Department of Surgery, Fortis Super-specialty
SAGES- Sosiety of American Gastro-Intestinal & Endoscopic Surgeons
ELSA- Endoscopic & Laparoscopic surgeons of Asia
AMASI- Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India
IAGES- Indian Association of Gastro-Intestinal & Endoscopic Surgeons
ASI- Association of Surgeons of India
ACRSI- Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India
IHA- Indian Hospital Association
IMA-Indian Medical Association
Achievements & Awards
FIRST PRIZE-ASI, Annual conferenceDecember, 2007
Research paper presented in annual conference of Association of Surgeons of India(ASI), Bhubneswar, India was awarded First prize.
Pioneering Surgery in South Asia September, 2006
Did Anal Fistula Plug surgery for treating complex and high Anal Fistulas. This procedure was done for the first time in South Asia and India.
International Honor March, 2006
Was honored by Dr Antonio Longo, the innovator and inventor of famous Stapler technique for pioneering work done in the field of ano-rectal conditions.
Awarded Prestigious American Society Membership May, 2005
Awarded membership of the America’s most prestigious society of Laparoscopic Surgery, SAGES(Society of American Gastro-intestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons)
Founded ABCDE- Assoc. for Breast Cancer Death Eradication Oct, 2006
Founded ABCDE with the aim of creating nationwide awareness about Breast Cancer and reducing to minimum the deaths due to Breast Cancer.
Founded World Piles Day November 20th every year
Founded World Piles Day along with Pioneers’ Circle members of India which falls on November 20th every year
National Youth Award January, 2003
National Award for medical services in Youth conference in Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Rotary International Award June, 2003
Rotary Award for contribution in health services for promoting Immunization in children.